Valianne's Trends turns 2
Posted by Jilianne Roylence Francia on
Hello Mommas!
Valianne's Trends turns two this coming June 12! Since its re-launch last January, there were new opportunities unleashed—exciting deals, fresher look, exclusive products, fun collaborations and great deals. Its growth and innovation take place because of Him who guides us from above and because of you mommas who continue supporting us!
You are part of our growth, momma! As we celeberate our second year anniversary, Valianne's Trends have prepared GREAT SURPRISES:
1. Launching our set of ambassadors

2. Offering the GREAT DOS (Deals-Overload-Sale) ANNIVERSARY with as much as 30 percent discount and free shipping codes starting June 6.

3.Offering the fun-filled Valianne’s Trends’ cartoon commercial ad and anticipate everyone to join us watch and share it

4. Joining their first Smart Parenting Convention at Megatrade Hall
There is so much more to come! All of these will take place this month. Don't ever miss any part of it. To God be the glory!
With love,
Valianne’s Trends Team